
  • Wszystkie kilometry: 16632.30 km
  • Km w terenie: 3813.00 km (22.93%)
  • Czas na rowerze: 31d 15h 32m
  • Prędkość średnia: 21.55 km/h
  • Suma w górę: 0 m
  • Więcej informacji.
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Wtorek, 18 listopada 2008 Kategoria crossówką, solo

How hard can it be?
How hard can it be?

I have watched my favorite tv show yesterday which is Top Gear and I thought I would do a little tribute to the guys. They often get those preposterous tasks from their "producers" like for instance make an evo X out of stock Renault or something:) I figured that I could make up a ridiculous task for me like for example do another 100 km long road trip (a day after last one) and see if it can be done. Today the temp. stood at 3 degrees, the wind wasn't stronger than during the trip on sunday so I asked a monumental question: how hard can it be??:))

I woke up early in the morning, around 10:30 and have had a nutritious breakfast - 3 slices of bread with herring, sausages and cheese on it. My clothing also needed to be revised so I got underpants and then my training trousers, and a cotton blouse on top of usual activewear. A cap and gloves and off we go..

The route started from home, then I went to Konstantynów having wind in my face, then turned to Alexandrów having it in my back, and storming through Grotniki I reached Ozorków. So far so good, average speed was over 27 kph and I was feeling confident that the trick will work. I passed by Ozorków and headed Sokolniki and I started to feel the wind blowing stronger from the right hand side..Meanwhile the blouse turned to be rubbish idea cause it stopped the sweat vaporizing and made
my upper clothes moist..."Whatever", I thought, "I am a sausage warrior I can make it" I reached Katarzynow, went offroad a bit and then found the road to Stryków.

But the wind was about to hit me again.. and it hit hard! Having made a turn to Biała I got a devastating wind blow up my face and after 300 meters I stopped at the gas station for a snack. Like it was going to help, no way. I barely moved to Biała, then I took a turn left on to Cyprianów pondering that it might actually be helpful if I had this wind from my right side... Wrong! I crawled over the A2 being in the middle of nowhere and then I saw a light in the tunnel.. meaning the Łagiewniki forest...2 km ahead..Fuck.

While I was getting there saying to myself "power,power" like J. Clarkson does when he rides 600HP supercar the fellow cyclist passed by with a strange look on his face, probably saw my misery although I tried to maintain poker face...Finally I reached the bloody forest having had 70+ km done.

It was hopeless, I decided to call it a day and go home but not untill I have done 80 km:) So - Łagiewniki, Narutowicza, Piotrkowska (strange look on people's faces) and finally home. Afterwards I run to the nearest store, grabbed 2 beers and made FLIP (beer+vodka+honey served hot) Yeah man ! And that was it

Conclusion - The boys from TG often have the same result as I did today - things are not that easy as it seem and it simply does not work. So the tribute went well actually cause like them I was "ambitious but rubbish" today:) That is all folks.

AD 1 Sorry że to takie długie ale miałem wenę po tym drinku, i musiało być po angielsku bo Top gear w końcu też jest.

AD 2 W życiu nie jeżdziłem w takiej picuwie tyle kilosów i było mi kurewsko zimno momentami

  • DST 80.00km
  • Teren 3.00km
  • Czas 03:17
  • VAVG 24.37km/h
  • Aktywność Jazda na rowerze

Why not in spanish :D? Maybe after some caraco or teuqila it will be possible, this is your next task from your producer :]
- 18:14 wtorek, 18 listopada 2008 | linkuj

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